What Should I Do if I’m Sexually Harassed at Work?

April 28, 2022 Legal Team
Experiencing sexual harassment at work is unacceptable and inexcusable. After all, you probably spend more time at work than you do at home, so it should be a comfortable and safe place for you to go. Sexual harassment can be very traumatic and should not be taken likely when it occurs. If it happens...
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3 Reasons Why Workplace Sexual Harassment Occurs

April 28, 2022 Legal Team
No one should ever have to endure sexual harassment at work for any reason. You should always feel safe and comfortable at your job, especially since you likely spend more of your waking hours there than you do in your own home.It can be puzzling to try and understand why someone would sexually harass...
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How Much Time Can I Take Off Work to Care for a Sick Parent and Keep My Job?

April 1, 2022 Legal Team
It can be very scary when your parent gets sick and needs help caring for themselves. If you’re similar to most people in the United States, you must work in order to keep food on the table and a roof over your head.Luckily, the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) provides eligible employees with...
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Can My Employer Fire Me For Taking Time Off to Give Birth?

March 1, 2022 Legal Team
If you are considering having children or are actively pregnant, you may question whether or not your employer is legally allowed to fire you for taking time off to give birth. This is a fair question and common among new working parents. Read on to learn the answer.The Law Protects New ParentsAccording to the...
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Is My Job Protected If I Take a Medical Leave of Absence?

January 31, 2022 Legal Team
In short, the answer is yes. Your job should be protected under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Read on to learn more about the protections offered to employees under the FMLA.If You Are Eligible for Leave Under the FMLA, Your Job Is ProtectedThe FMLA protects eligible employees from being fired for taking...
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