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Mcdonald’s: Not-So-Lovin’-It

March 18, 2014 Legal Team

It looks like McDonalds’ employees are less than happy with the famous golden arches. They are facing lawsuits in three states, all seeking class-action status. The complaints were filed in New York, Michigan, and California. New York has one complaint filed, while Michigan has two and three respectively.

Depending on the state, the claims alleged in the suits vary across an expanse of issues. In Michigan, McDonald’s is accused of using tracking/targeting software which monitors the ratio of labor costs to revenue percentages. If the ratio outnumbers the target, McDonald’s postpones employees from clocking in as to cut cost per revenue. Therefore, employees are at work, reporting to work, but not getting paid because McDonald’s is disallowing them from clocking in.

Other violations stem from uniform issues. We blogged about uniform issues previously, here. 

New York alleges that McDonald’s did not reimburse employees for maintaining and cleaning their uniforms, and Michigan alleges they did not pay for uniforms at all, in violation of state law. California’s complaints entail the alteration of pay records and denial of rest breaks. Each rest break is subject to a premium if not provided by McDonald’s. Therefore, for every rest or meal break missed, the employee is entitled to an hour’s worth of pay.

Franchise owners and McDonald’s Corporate alike are named in the suits. Over 14,000 McDonald’s restaurants are franchised.

Source: Associated Press