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Long Beach Sexual Harassment Attorneys

Sexual harassment can affect your health, your career, and your income. Although this activity is illegal, it is often subtle and can be difficult to prove. A toxic work culture that encourages these behaviors can make it seem that you have nowhere to turn.

At Aegis Law, our Long Beach sexual harassment attorneys can collect evidence and develop a case so you can seek justice. Instead of facing an unbearable work situation, put your trust in our team. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and learn more.

How Aegis Law Can Help if You Have Been Sexually Harassed at Work

Our Long Beach sexual harassment lawyers can provide the following services:

  • Verifying that the harassment violated California law
  • Identifying the at-fault parties, including employers who allowed the behavior
  • Preparing your case materials for trial
  • Filing required legal motions and documents on your behalf
  • Communicating with attorneys and your employer
  • Building a compelling case with evidence, testimony, and experience
  • Helping you fight retaliation after your case has concluded

You may hesitate to file charges because you worry about how it will affect your job and career. Retaliation against you for a sexual harassment claim is illegal and can be added to your legal complaint. When you share your story with us, we will take every action necessary to bring all liable parties to justice.

What is Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment includes any unwanted sexual contact, whether physical, verbal, or visual. The genders of the harasser and victim do not matter. What is important is that you do not want the contact.

Some examples include:

  • Exchanging raises or other benefits for sexual favors
  • Threatening negative job ratings if the advances are declined
  • Suggestive looks, gestures, written or artistic materials, or anything of a visual nature
  • Physical contact, including touching or blocking your movements
  • Verbal assault that includes comments, slurs, propositions, or jokes

Perpetrators may face civil and even criminal penalties, depending on how severe the harassment is and how long it has continued. Your attorney will seek maximum punishment for those who have hurt you in the workplace.

Fighting Back Against Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is illegal both federally and in California under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA). When you have suffered this harassment, you have the options to report those responsible.

You can file a complaint with either the California Civil Rights Department (CRD) or the Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). You do not need a lawyer to file, but a sexual harassment attorney can help you protect yourself against retaliation from your employer.

If the issue is not resolved, you can file a lawsuit against those responsible. Employers have a duty to protect their employees from this behavior and must take all reasonable steps to prevent it. If they do not, they can be held liable.

Compensation You Can Seek

Even if you do not lose or leave your job, you can seek compensation for sexual harassment at work. The criteria used to award financial relief depends on the type of harm you experienced. Some common kinds of damages victims can claim include:

  • Attorney fees
  • Damage to personal and professional reputations
  • Loss of earning potential
  • Lost income
  • Medical bills for treatment from injuries
  • Mental anguish
  • Pain and suffering

Why Choose Aegis Law for Your Case?

At Aegis Law, our attorneys will assess your circumstances, build a powerful approach, and hold the wrongdoers accountable. Choose us because:

  • We only handle employment law cases, with an emphasis on sexual harassment claims.
  • We have secured over $300 million in settlements and jury awards for our clients.
  • We value a strong attorney-client relationship to foster the best possible outcome for every case.

Contact Our Long Beach Sexual Harassment Attorneys Now

At Aegis Law, our Long Beach sexual harassment attorneys understand that you feel angry but vulnerable. You need compassionate, tenacious legal representation to help you recover physically, financially, and emotionally from this trauma. We protect your rights and manage all the uncomfortable legal complexities for you. Contact us to schedule a free consultation today.