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Sex and Science

August 13, 2014 Legal Team

Although sexual harassment is not as much of a problem as it used to be, it is still found in many professions, some of them very surprising.  The last group of people you would worry about would probably be “science nerds.”

While most people think of scientists as smart, professional, and trustworthy, it turns out that they can be the exact opposite when it comes to women.  A recent study surveying more than 600 scientists found that the majority of all scientists surveyed had been affected by sexual harassment or discrimination, including jokes aimed at women being less smart and inappropriate sexual remarks.

If that wasn’t bad enough, 26% – more than 1 in every 4 women surveyed! – had been touched in an inappropriately sexual way, such as being groped.

A lot of the harassers were older, more established, and respected men aiming their conduct at newer, less experienced female scientists.   It is not new for men in powerful positions to take advantage of women in lesser positions, but most people think of bosses and their secretaries, not Ph.D. professors and graduate research students.

The survey shows that there is still a long way to go in stopping sexual harassment for good.

If you believe you have been sexually harassed at work consult with an Aegis attorney immediately.